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Jessica Lyon shows Firestorm Preview on YouTube

Today I found out that Jessica Lyon did upload a Firestorm Preview on YouTube. Take a look here:

2 responses

  1. jafo

    ok well 3/4 or more of those features she said are not available in SL viewer 2.0 are available in SL viewer 2.5. the only thing I see they actually did was the communication box and made things more transparent. so comeon I expected better out of a group saying they were going to be more transparent.

    February 11, 2011 at 5:18 am

  2. But I hope you also did notice that she said everything is work in progress. Its not a beta or alpha.. she did show of the very first changes.

    I think we can expect that there will be lot of more changes. Thats how I at least did understand the movie. Its just a very early preview. Nothing else 🙂

    February 11, 2011 at 9:16 am

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